Thursday, November 24, 2011

11/24/2011 1341

Today is a perfect day.  I realize that it’s not even quite halfway over, and things could vastly change between now and the end of the day, but as of this point, it is truly perfect.  I wasn’t so sure it was going to be that way.  I woke up still sick (nothing tragic, just an irritating cold that isn’t really getting to me at all other than the simple fact that I hate being sick) and thinking that I was going to have to eat my Thanksgiving meal all by myself.  While it’s true that I have a wonderful man who eats most meals with me when he can (make that all meals when he can), he is working today and can’t make the entire crew eat at a different time just for me.  Trust me, I’d love it if he would, but I would also feel really bad for standing in the way of hungry men.  I know that’s never a good idea.  Breakfast was delightful.  The DFAC was decorated so wonderfully.  I know that the guys work there are paid wages that most of us spoiled Expats can’t even imagine, but they never cease to make me smile and inspire me to try to be more positive when I’m having a bad day.  They always have a kind word and a smile.  I love that.  And given how they typically behave toward those of us who return the smile and kind word, I have a sneaky suspicion that they really enjoyed the efforts they put into today for all of us.  The walls were covered with beautiful fall leaves.  New Styrofoam pictures were up on the walls.  Happy Thanksgiving signs all over the place.  One truly spectacular Styrofoam turkey, a cabin, a cornucopia complete with Styrofoam fruits, a few new eagles here & there… It was truly good work.  I’m hoping to sneak my cell in there later to snag a couple pictures of some of the stuff to show you all. 

I headed in to work only to have my motivation fade quickly.  Remember that whole “I’m sick” aspect of this story?  Well that helped me stay awake much of the night.  Even with Nyquil.  It was a drugged restlessness.  Not a recipe for a clear-headed day.  So it was time for my workout.  That was pretty funny all by itself.  First I thought I’d head to the gym and try to run.  Then I decided that I’d take a nap instead.  Then I decided to go for a walk.  Then that aforementioned wonderful man headed to the gym and given the fact that he’s always provided me with motivation and major encouragement, I decided I may as well aim for the first idea I had.  Gym it was.  I dropped the speed for my run, ya know, since I’m sick & all… but decided that it felt good so I went ahead and ran 3 miles instead of the 2 I originally thought I was going to do.  Awesome, huh?  Yup, definitely proud of myself.  Got back to work after a very rushed shower (running longer tends to take more time, which I don’t really have at my disposal, so it has to come from somewhere.  Don’t worry, though, I took enough of a shower that I was no longer offensive to the olfactory nerves of my coworkers) and proceeded to crash yet again.  But that wonderful man came by again and brought me chocolate, at which point I had to laugh at the comparison to Thanksgiving of last year.  I went for an early morning run that day.  It was freezing, but I did it and enjoyed it.  That same wonderful man came by shortly after my run to bring me chocolate.  Pattern?  Perhaps.  Same time next year. 

Well.  I started to hear rumors that the delicious meal of the day was lunch.  Lunch!  That meant that I’d have the company that I wanted so badly :D  It was absolutely wonderful.  The food was delicious, the company was perfect, the décor was charming, and my third crash of the day after the meal was well worth every bite too many that I took.  And it’s cloudy today.  That makes it even better.  Oh, and just when you think things can’t get any better… I got “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse” first season in the mail today from Netflix!!!!!  So.  Care to venture a guess as to what I’ll be doing for the next few hours?  If you remember anything about that show (even if you don’t care to remember) today’s word of the day is “thankful”!  I have a lot to be thankful for. 

How about you guys?  What are you most thankful for today?  


  1. You! Definitely you my most dearest of friends! Eternally thankful that God had the Devine wisdom to make us friends.

  2. Oh my Jilly, I am also eternally thankful that God allowed us to cross paths at just the right time on that little strip of concrete between the two campuses in Paramount, then once again, right before my eyes both purchasing Corona at Rite Aid. Are we made for each other, or what???
